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Table of Contents

Regular Expressions
Font Tools
Scrollit -- JavaScript Oddity
Playing wth PERL #1
Regular Expressions
More REs
OnLine HTML Tester
Guide to Pointers
.htaccess #2


These articles are a combination of working papers and memos. Some of these things look trival to me know. But at the time I labored over them -- trying to figure them out and get them working. I figure by posting them for others to find there's a chance I might save someone else a few hours of head pounding brick wall research. If not. At least when I forget how the heck I did something I can look here.
Procmail is a totally handy tool for filtering mail and creating autoresponders. This starts the grand experiments in procmail.


Regular Expressions
You can't go far in Perl or Procmail without some understanding of Regular Expressions. And so, off into the world of strange and cryptic digital incantations we go.


There's a bunch you can do with the .htaccess. Let's start with a little security.


Use the OnMouseOver function to make buttons respond to the mouse being near and ready to click. Adds some nice interactivity to your page.


Here you will find font links and links to font links. A very good start on some very interesting fonts.


Font Tools
A handy collection of font editors which might prove useful should you decide to do some of your own creation.


Scrollit -- A JavaScript Oddity
Not particularily useful, but it might be fun to watch.


Split -- Playing wth PERL #1
In yet another attempt to expand my understanding of Perl, I have created a little Perl script that will illustrate the Split function. If you want a copy of the script send me a note.


Regular Expressions -- Playing wth PERL #2
Here's a fun presentation related to the ever mysterious and most useful "regular expression". Also see More on Regular Expressions.


An OnLine HTML Tester
Practice your HTML syntax online with this simple form.s


An Idiot's Guide to Pointers
The concept of pointer in C programming is explored. Putting this together helped me better understand pointers. Maybe reading it will help you.


.htaccess #2
A short ditty about forcing download of files.