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Extra Toolbar in Explorer

I went to this website and it automatically put their own toolbar in the inter explorer. They call int "Search-Explorer." It pops up on my toolbars on my browser and it gives me advertisements all the time. Now I don't know how to take it off. I tried in rededit but it didn't work. I need help fast thanks!@!@

hum.. charie i wonder what impure website u have been visiting well the "Search-Explorer" actually a popup window and when u go to some certain bad website they changed ur home page to a website thats linked to the pop "Search-Explorer" to get rid of this is very simple go to internet options and change the addy on the home page see if it works

by the way it is in the regedit, u just dont know where to look

Go to the homepage of Search Explorer.
Click toolbar, and there you can reed how to uninstall..

I've got exactly the same problem as Charles and I got this installed, without being asked or knowing it at the time, on the search site.

Under Tools/Internet Options the address stills shows "about:blank" which was my origional settings.

Going to the Search-Explorer web site the instructions say that to uninstall the Toolbar you click on the logo on the left and a dropdown menu will have an uninstall option on it. Mine doesn't!! As far as uninstalling the "Sidebar" I followed the instruction in their FAQ's section carefully, several times, and it makes no difference what so ever.

I've even gone so far as to download AD-Ware to try to find where they hid the dll file and what registry changes they made. They found an IEGator.dll and some registry keys referring to it. It is sitting in the Windows/downloaded program files folder. In fact there are several files in this folder that all refer to this program. I haven't touched them as they can't be transfered to a temp file so I can see if this program doesn't work if I move them. I am afraid to remove them permanently as I don't want to totally screw-up IE as I don't have it on a CD, having upgraded time and again over the years from the Microsoft Upgrade sight.

Anybody have any hints for me on how to get rid of this unwanted pest? TIA


I finally got rid of it by downloading ADWARE from and removing all the "Gator" entries they found. The .log file in C:Windows, and in C:Windows\Downloaded Program Files,the top file with no name just a lot of numbers starting with 3717..., and a 1998 installation date, aren't they cute, seemed to be the key moves.
SpyBot also works:

I think it's super shady that the instructions Search-Explorer give in their own FAQ don't work to remove the program...then again, what would you expect from spyware folks?



iegator.dll gets downloaded when you visit some sites without giving you any indication about it. Gator then collects information about the sites you visit. I am not sure if it even collects login and password info and sends them to
It is high time we sue out of business and send its people to jail
Zoe Blessing
I've been to a bazillion websites and have never encountered an "automatic" installation of Gator. True they are annoying the way they're always trying to trick you, but they always display a popup first asking you. It often looks like a Windows popup with a Yes/No button in it. The way most newbies are, they click without reading. That's how things get "magically" installed onto your system. Always read before clicking an unknown popup!
James D. Hansen

You can't go anywhere on the internet it seems, without gator programs being installed on your computer without you knowing. I'm 100% sure I have some on here, along with that ridiculous new search-explorer bar, which does NOT uninstall when you follow the instructions provided on their site. One gator program never shows any indication that it is installed in your computer. It just installs without letting you know, no pop-up asking if you want to win 3 thousand cd's. And then runs it's spyware program quietly, in the background, slowing down your computer. This is why you should download Ad-Aware. It will find and let you delete spyware form your computer. Be aware however, that it doesn't prevent such programs from returning to your computer, so you must run it regularly.
Even you, Zoe, without a doubt, have gator spyware installed in your computer in some form. Download Ad-Aware everyone. You can find it at:

Gator, tool bars, and other annoy things..
On the subject of Gator, this does appear to be a problem , while some of you are convinced that after you have ran ad-aware it go rid of your gator problem, I suggest a search through your registry I'm willign to bet you still have some sort of gator dll file, I just ran ad-aware on my machine and had it "delete" what I thought was all the gator dll files, I then re ran it and it said my system was clean .. I then ran through the registry looking for gator, and of course it found stuff like "naviGATOR" but it also found IEGator.dll which is a Gator dll file on a machine that i supposed to be "clean" of spyware... lets face it folks.. for every fix, or every program out there that "cleans" your system the folk who build the spyware find ways too thwart them. So the best advice is to be conscious of what you are doing on the internet and take the time to do a little maintenace each week or month or year on your pc.

Well I'm not exactly a newbie and whenever a popup occurs I simply X it.But still iegator was downloaded to my machine somehow and I believe it was connected to the site which by the way is an Israeli registered site.The Israelis are well know in the spy software business and certain Israeli companies have even been given permission by the US government to set up their info gathering companies in the US.

iv'e got an extra toolbar called net search,and i can't get rid off it,iv'e downloaded yahoo and google tool bars and each time i close and open internet explorer,the google and yahoo toolbars have vanished and only the net search tool bar shows up,when i go into the view options i can only see the new tool bar and not the yahoo or google one,can anybody help.
Gator Hater
There is very simple way to prevent any software like Gator, Comet Cursor, or Premium Rater Sex Dialers getting on your pc :

In Internet Explorer > Tools > Internet Options > Advanced.

Once you're in advanced scroll down the list of boxes until you see two which are Install on Demand. They will have a check mark by default uncheck them so they're blank / empty.

If you do this simple alteration - any software like Gator will have to prompt you to download. If you visit a site with Gator - a grey box with blue company info will appear offering you this crap - just click 'no' !! It will not be able to install unless you click yes.

Gator Hater

There is very simple way to prevent any software like Gator, Comet Cursor, or Premium Rater Sex Dialers getting on your pc :

In Internet Explorer > Tools > Internet Options > Advanced.

Once you're in advanced scroll down the list of boxes until you see two which are Install on Demand. They will have a check mark by default uncheck them so they're blank / empty.

If you do this simple alteration - any software like Gator will have to prompt you to download. If you visit a site with Gator - a grey box with blue company info will appear offering you this crap - just click 'no' !! It will not be able to install unless you click yes.


I need a bigger hard drive on my old computer so have picked-up a 40GB Maxtor and have formatted and partitioned it the software provided. It is now hooked up as the slave to the primary master and I need to transfer all the information from the master C: to the new slave D:, so that I can switch the slave to master and run the machine off of it. What is the best way to transfer all these files from C: to D:?
there is a problem on my msn there is a virus on it any time im chattin to someone there is a thing that says cool and has this numberhttp://
or it saye hehe it comes so can u please get this thing rid of please
there is a problem on my msn there is a virus on it any time im chattin to someone there is a thing that says cool and has this numberhttp://
or it saye hehe it comes so can u please get this thing rid of please

dennis why are you posting under 'extra toolbar's' thread if you want an answer start a new thread in the main help page.
Incidentally select everything and copy&paste it or right click and send to

It workz lol have nuthing to say :)!

When I try to install aim it just won't work I did it once and it worked now I had to uninstall because it stopped working so...I tried it again and it diden't work.So I tried Yahoo Messenger now I wanna try Aim again because all my friends have Aim and I don't.So how do I uninstall yahoo messenger and will I get aim back?Please help me!the internet is so boring without a messenger!Please help me!

Ad-Aware detected 4 files and 5 registry keys all related to Gator. After deleting them all, the problem has disappeared! Also Gator Hater's tip in Internet Explorer, is an excellent idea, I recommend you all do it!
Soo Soo
If my property is a building, and someone has written on it without my permission, they can be arrested for vandalism.

My property is a hard drive. Gator has written on my hard drive without my permission. Shouldn't I be able to have Gator corporation executives arrested for vandalism as well?

Under my address bar there is an extra search bar called eaprqooweie and i can disable it but when I restart my computer and get on the internet it reappears and also on my desktop when i start my computer another search bar pops up. I can exit the toolbar but it keeps coming back and i have no idea how to get rid of it.
I have a problem similar to Eric's, only the search bar is called "joukbllywxp". Can anyone please tell me how to permanently remove this from my computer?
I have the exact same problem as Eric and Jamie
but the search bar is called 'tripqugouth'. I hate it because I want my google search bar up so I can block pop ups. please help me, I just want it gone forever.
i found in my program files (with gator and offercompanion entries, can i delete this from the windows explore location without creating problems?
Please tell me how to get rid of an extra toolbar called powersearch, tried everything any suggestions? HELP!!
Tom Rule
I got this dotcom toolbar
I went to my Counter Strikes website ad it downloaded some DotCom toolbar on mycomputer how do I get rid of it
I have too many extra toolbars that I can't seem to rid myself of. They are: DotCom Toolbar, Pop-Up Stopper and My Search. How do I destroy this VERMIN???

Been to Smiliecentral?

Anyways use Spybot search and destroy or Adaware.


Peoples if you are having trouble with extra toolbars and such, look at the top of this page. Checkout the anti-spyware and anti-virus tools. They are almost all freeware.

i had the dotcom toolbar but i uninstalled it and ran adaware so the toolbar is no longer there. however, whenever i open up yahoo, another window opens up that takes me directly to gold casino. how do i get rid of this?


I have the same exact problem now with the stupid casino advertisement. This is what it displays when redirecting

How do we get rid of this...please help.


Okay Donnie,

I spent most of the day on this and I figured it out. When Internet Explorer is open, this Hijacker feeds off of a file called "redirect2.exe". What you need to do, is go into your task menu by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE, click on the processes tab, find this program "redirect2.exe". Kill it, then go to your file search, and search for that name "redirect2.exe. There may be 2 multiple entries. Delete all of them. Empty your recycle bin, and this will take care of the problem, and you are dotcom toolbar free.


WHOA. Thanks a BILLION for that. I somehow got this dotcom toolbar thing on my computer and I had no idea what to do... I searched yahoo and this was the only place that talked about it and you people saved me! Yay! THANKS!
Mike, thanks for the info in deleting dot com toolbar. I did when you suggested, but it didn't work. I did not find a file named 'redirect2.exe' but found 'redirect4.exe', so I followed your instructions, but dot com toolbar (with a dropdown menu for 'adult web' still shows. I have a little child and am afraid he may accidentally click on it. please help.

To remove the toolbar, go into control panel, click on add/remove programs icon, find dotcom toolbar in the list, and uninstall. This should wipe it out all together hopefully. If not, I will check back here again and will help you get rid of it. I got the stupid thing by going to a URL that didnt exist and it installed itself on the pc...go figure.

thank you mike! it worked! you are good!
Mike C

If it works you are a life saviour--This thing was really iritating

I have the Dotcom Toolbar but I do not have the "Redirect2.exe" file located in the process menu of Ctr alt del, but I do have Redirect4.exe . Apparently the Dotcom Toolbar file has been updated so anyone with Redirect4.exe running, has the Dotcom Toolbar.

Thanks for the help. I have/had the Dotcom Toolbar. You guys helped a lot. I can't delete the files thru file search & I can't get the program heading to delete in Control Panel; but my machine is not going non-responsive anymore. At the Symantec website are instructions to get rid of it. On Start go to Run; type - regedit (for Registry Editor); go to top left menu to HKey Local Machine/Software/Microsoft/Current Version/Run; go to right menu, scroll down to redirect4.exe or whatever redirect.exe animal you're attacked by, right click and delete the value. That should solve your problem! I think you may want to delete the files thru file search first; I think that is why I can't delete the files, but they don't seem to be giving me any problems now. Good Luck. I thought my problem was held over from the Blaster Worm, I almopst never figured out how to delete; AVG did not recognize it. Now I'm going to try the anti-spyware at the top of the page. Thanks Again! Quick Shot - Jesus died for you so you don't have to; and all you have to do is believe it and accept Him; nothing else. God Bless
Besides the redirect.exe file, has anyone had unwanted traffic from an application named "system"? I get the feeling it is another dotcom part, as the ip address sent me to the site when I put it in Internet Explorer.

Strange enough, can't find it very well...

Thanks to Mike! Got rid of this blasted dotcom toolbar thing! I too have little brothers and sisters and this Blasted dotcomtoolbar thing has a button that takes you DIRECT to 'adult' sites. Somebody hit these bastards back!

Am now calling all honest, hardworking people to put an end to this websites shannigans by hiring junior hackers to teach the bastards a lesson.

Thanks guys for help on this one!!! Am gonna invest in some spyware bull--.


thanks alot helped me get rid of that dotcom toolbar sh*t. that mess was annoying as hell and should be illegal. i really appreciate it man.

Hi, everyone, I have same problem now. I've got annoying Dotcom Toolbar one.
I tried Symantec one, Adaware, AVG alredy to delete Dotcom T. Only AdAware looks like works in these 3. Once I was glad I thought I delete it.
But...!! afterwhile, Dotcom appears again and again. Now, I am chasing with it. I am wondering there is some hidden files Gator installed in my computer.
Please tell me what you think.
Can AdAware kicked it out completly or not?
Or, do you think I should know that stupid colleage keeps going to Bad Site repeatedly, even he knows I keep fighting with Dotcom Sh*t for long?
Dennis(09/27/02), do you think we still have No way out?

I thought this might help. Go to your start menu click on search and type dotcom toolbar and this will display all documents that has dotcom extensions attached in the C: drive. I hope this helps. I have struggle with this for quiet some time and I have removed it as far as I'm concern. Also don't forget to go to Task manager to terminate it if its there.

Dotcom Toolbar removal
Hey people, I followed all of your instructions in your email strings and found that the only method that worked in removing the Dotcom Toolbar is by ending the process in Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DELETE). You just go to the Task Manager, select Redirect5.exe, then press the "End Process" button. It will give you a warning window but just press the OK button to proceed. I then closed out of Internet Explorer and restarted it and no more Dotcom toolbar!
I was able to get rid of the redirect.exe file and stopped getting the popup everytime I opened my homepage, but the dotcomtoolbar thing is still lurking. Now if I type in an invalid web address (say in explorer instead of going to the page it goes to and gets stuck there. Any ideas on what to do now?

Just like Jacob, my dotcomtoolbar is still lurking. I've deleted Redirect5.exe, I've deleted it from the add-remove programs. I've tried HijackThis, which removed like 5 incidences of it. If you type in a website wrong, it will bring up an MSN page but with the for the domain. Now, when you click on msn home, if you look at the link, it says, and then the address is still www.dotcomtoolbar. Are they spoofing MSN? Please help me get rid of it!!

Mike... Thanks... Freakin' dotcom tool bar was driving me nuts..

BTW. for anyone.. just look for any redirect.exe..

seams they keep changing the numbers... I had redirect2.exe redirect4.exe AND redirect5.exe running

just make sure to uninstall it from your add/remove program area 1st.

BTW.. something I had to do with a friends computer.. she had it also.. but didn't have it in the add/remove.. I took a chance and reinstalled dotcom and then unstalled it from add/remove.. did a search for "redirect" and DELETE!! walla..

Thanks again mike.


I have run Ad-Aware 6 multiple times and norton antivirus and I dont have a problem with the toolbar, however everytime I search something in the Address toolbar it comes up with "" but it still brings up msn...its pretty crazy and I cant find it in the reg edit...If anybody has dealt with this bug and is willing to help I would really appreciate it.
I have been fighting this dotcomtoolbar for a while now!Its not on my add /remove programs,can't find it on file search,finally saw redirect4.exe on my cntrl/alt/del and took it off.Hope it works this time.Does anybody know if it is related to this ipinsight spyware?I can't get it off of here either!I don't know why I pay for eanthology to supposedly keep my computer virus free,what a joke.they claim to remove it everyday and within a few hours its back again.What a mess!Any advice?
I have done verything written above. eleted every redirectx.exe. Cleaned the registry. Used SpyBot and Adaware. But... it keeps coming back. As soon as I start the mediaplayer It says: thank you for installing Dotcomtoolbar. The startpage is altered in
I tried it all but now I am at the end of how far I can think. Help please!!

WINDIE:You stated "I don't know why I pay for eanthology"
Frankly I don't know why you do either.
It may surprise you but in many quarters it's cosidered a horrible piece of spyware, worse than a virus.
Here is one link discussing it:,8078326~root=security,1~mode=flat

And another showing what it does to your system and how difficult it is to remove:

Frankly the dotcom toolbar is less of a pest than this.
Before using anything to remove eanthology use add/remove programs. In particular see if its managed to add newdotnet. Read the pest patrol article.
If you want a decent security suite, Microsoft and computer associates offer one.It's even free.
the link is here:


There's a Coolweb variant (no.17) that hides in the windows media player.
Try running CW-shredder. Available here;

You can also run Trendmicros online scan. Housecall
It might identify some dotcom files you've missed. They detect it as SPW_DCTOOLBAR.A
Link to Housecall:

It may be a new variant. But try the above.


Thank you so much for the dotcom removal info! I have been trying for days to remove the little parasite but had no luck until I found this site.
thank you

thank you so much, I was finally able to get rid of that stupid thing. I'm so happy now. I almost cried when I oppened yahoo, and didn't have to see dotcom crap.

I have

- cleaned the registry (I think)
- Removed dotcom from Add/Remove Programs
- Deleted all of the redirect5.exe files
- Cleaned up some other random virus I had
- Reset my IE settings

What else can I do to get rid of the dotcom toolbar?

thank you

god damn it, it's back, i was the guy who wrote the thank you letter above. I guess I spoke too soon. It might be easyer to just reformat.

Sorry to hear it's back.
But if you were rid of it for a while, you've probably been reinfected.
Some of this crap is installed without your knowledge by exploiting windows vulnerabilities.
You MUST get the latest critical updates from Windows update to prevent this.
An updated antivirus may protect against some but not all of this crapware.(generally identified as byte verify trojan)
There are tons of them.
Some are bundled with other downloads.
Smileycentral will not only give you a few dozen smilies, but will (their words):
"Includes My Web Search - Get instant search
results from the Internet's best search engines and
relevant results in response to address bar queries." As if you want it.
And thats not all. They have partners.
Typical foistware.

But hey, you clicked I agree and now they want to stay for life.
Others reserve the right to give you crap later. Trickle downloads. Stop Sign is a good example.

Lots of crapware out there, entering your computer by different means.
Hard to remove.
Best prevent it.
Use Windows update to patch the holes.
Tighten security in Internet Explorer or use Firebird or Mozilla.
Use a pop up blocker. (Google toolbar works well
Firebird mozilla have one built in.

You can also use Spywareblaster and/or spywareguard to prevent them from being installed. Both are free. They're available here:

Thanks again

Thanks again. I'm using AdAware now. This DotCom Toolbar is like "AIDS for your computer." Damn monkeys who created it.

More on Dotcom Toolbar- I got it yesterday and ran Spybot SD, which got rid of most but not all of it. I still had redirect5.exe running, and also found something called wwweasy.exe and wwweasy2.exe, all in the Windows folder. Finally, I found in the registry (Windows XP)entries to auto run those exe files. They are under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Software->Microsoft->Windows->Current Version->Run. If you find entries here for redirect or wwweasy, delete those. Good luck to the rest of you.
Eric Ettner
Well, this is a pest, But i think i got rid of it. It would Hijack all my files and/or links that opened up windows media player, and installed the toolbar again, my order of destruction was this:
1. Add/Remove the toolbar.
2. Set no check on enable install on demand (2x) under tools-internet options-advanced
3. Used Spybot SD to get rid of some of the problems
4. Ctrl+Alt+Del and end task the process redirect5.exe
5. ran Regedit and navagated to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Microsoft-Windows-CurrentVersion-(open)Run, and delete the entries redirect5.exe
6. Search for dotcom toolbar, redirect5.exe, etc., and delete everything having to do with that.
7. Make sure my Zone Alarm Pro is ALWAYS on, because that was my mistake, leaving it off for a minuite.

Thanks so much for all the help you have given me, i hope this works for everyone else.


well guy, many possibilities where these crap will load on the computer, so viewing unknown porn sites and refrain for going annoymous site to look for cracks

Thanks for your help. I'm not sure if my hubby did anything extra, but I loaded the Windows/IE updates and now no more dotcom toolbar. Whoo-hoo!

Happy New Year!


The solution is:
Removing the line in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\host

which redirects to the ip-adres of dotcom toolbar... The sneaky bastards...

Ok... I dunno which toolbar this is, but it's called "thiiwysoaso" when I right-click on the toolbars to remove it. I uncheck it, therby removing it from the address bar, but next time I go to another site, it pops back on again. It's a blue toolbar, with links in it, probably related to the sites you visit. It's annoying as hell, and I can't get rid of it. I tried adaware and it doesn't remove it. Does anyone know how to remove this toolbar?

Try CW-shredder:

I have the dotcom toolbar installed and I did not want it!!! I also have a problem with taking over my internet Explorer every time I open it!!
I add/remove it and it comes back...I try to open my windows media or play a cd and the darn Explorer screen pops up and says "thank you for installing dotcom toolbar"
I don't want these. I have ran spybot and it removes it (until I try to use my cd drive or use mt media player!!!



For the moment, the dotcom files require, I think, you to be redirected to the IP: to officially be "annoyed" by it, although you can still have the files.

What I did, when I noticed it recurring, was add the IP address to my list of blocked IP's via my firewall, and it never "installed" again, even though the redirect5.exe and the data.dll files still existed (recently deleted them, too, however).

So, in addition to the ad-aware (which works great) might as well (if you have a firewall) block the source as well. Granted, it's easy enough for them to get a new IP, and any internal IP change of the company NULL and VOIDS the effort of the firewall block, but hey, it works for now. :)


Oh, and it probably wouldn't hurt making the:
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS file read only (thus, programs can't change it...)
ok... I tried CW shredder, but it didn't do anything. I looked around, and I have the Lop toolbar... I tried looking around for solutions, but Spybot S & D didn't work, and I couldn't find any programs that didn't require money. Does anyone have a free solution to removing this blasted toolbar that they know of?
Hey everybody,

If you type an invalid address and your search address crops up with dotcom domain (or anything else for that matter)... try going to:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file
(you can use notepad) and you may find something like:

Remove that line and save the hosts file
(remember to make a backup of it first).

Then you may find that this will solve your problem.

When you type an invalid address in IE address bar, it uses with your search string. However, the hosts file is used to redirect a url to another, in this case which is invalid! You do not want this so remove the line :).


OK everybody, I have the solution for ALL of your problems!

So if you want to delete your DOTCOMTOOLBAR or you have the problem of being redirected to a search-site in Internet Explorer when typing an invalid web address, just make sure you've done ALL of following ELEVEN steps:

1. Go to Control Panel - Add/Remove Software. Uninstall your DotComToolbar here and all other software you don't want on your system.

2. Open Internet Explorer, go to Tools - Internet options - Advanced. Once you're in advanced, scroll down the list of boxes until you see two which are Install on Demand. They will have a check mark by default; uncheck them so they're blank / empty.

3. Download Spybot Search & Destroy ( and scan & clean your system.

4. Download Hijack This! ( and scan your system. Delete all suspicious keys. If you're in doubt of what is a suspicious key, just place your log-file on this forum, and I'm sure there will be some guys who would like to have a look at it.

5. Open the file C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS with Notepad, only if you habe this file on your system. It's possible that there is this line in the file: "". If so, delete it!

6. Take care of the fact that there is no active process by the name of "redirectX.exe". X can be a number from 1-8. XP-users: press cntrl+alt+del, go to the other tab and close ALL processes with redirectX.exe.

7. Search (Start - Search - Files or folders) for files with the word "redirect" on your PC. Delete all exe-files with redirect in it.

8. Click Start - Run. Type: "regedit". Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Microsoft-Windows-CurrentVersion-Run. Delete all keys with redirect or wwweasy in it.

9. Scan your system with an up-to-date virusscanner. It's possible that you have a virus on your system which reinstalls the toolbar in a couple of days. Delete the virus if you have it.

10. If you still have the problem of being redirected to a site of or when typing an invalid web address in Internet Explorer, install the latest version of IE! Go to Tools - Windows Update in IE and update your system. Do you already have the latest IE-version? Delete and reinstall it!

11. To prevent in the future: install ZoneAlarm Pro and run this all the time. Look out for dangerous sites (like pron).

Good luck!

Thank you so much !! I've been trying for months to get my home pc sorted out. I've followed the steps and hopefully this is now deleted of my system. Thank you for all the help and dedication on killing this rubbish. I ran Trend Microsoft's Housecall scan and AVG and neither of them picked it up !So rather double check than think you are fine.
dudes really appriciate this forum.. u guyz r great .. thanks again and keep up the good work.. and how we can kick those adware companies butt let me know. specially gator
Daniel L

Thanks Laurens - a great 11 steps to Dotcomtoolbar freedom - I think I'm clean for now!

Just wanted to thank everyone for the information on this site. I got that darn toolbar too. And I didn't do anything to accept it. To the contrary, I tried to x out! My Norton did notify me of a virus as it was infecting my computer. Did a full computer scan and it went undetected. Thereafter, I booted up my explorer and there was that idiotic bar. I immediately went in search for help, found this site, and ran my AdAware program.

It does make me wonder if someone is out there building these programs to keep AdAware and companies like them in business. Hmm.

Thanks again for taking the time to type out help to us Newbies.



Debbie, I understand your thinking. Right now though, it's more about spyware creators trying to squash spyware removers right out of business. Understand that most of the great free tools available out there (SpyBot, Ad-Aware, SpywareBlaster, CW-shredder, Hi Jack This! and others) are designed and updated by extremely devoted individuals who spend countless hours (without pay!!) to help us fight those bastards who build new weapons every day. That's my take on it.

I've got that ToolBar-problem here in Finland (Europe) yesterday and solved it immediately with your help, thank's a lot...:)

DotCom tool bar!!
I also have this Dot com crap, I have a program called easywww.exe is this part of dotcom tool bar stuff?
This dotcom tool bar crap i hate them!!

I'm trying to remove the dotcom toolbar using the add/remove programs feature, but am unable to do so. When I try to delete the program a dotcom webpage appears to tell me how sorry they are to see me leave. I tried working offline but it didn't help. Any suggestions? Thanks

Sue, look at Laurens' post up here (01/11/04). Roll up your sleeves, you need to work on this !!

One more thing to check. Be sure that your shortcut icon for Internet Explorer has not been Hijacked! We THOUROUGHLY cleaned a system, only to experience the agony of defeat when we clicked on the big "E". Now, before clicking the Internet Icon, I check the properties first. I have since seen this problem with LOP, Cool Search, and SearchBar, plus a number of Porn sites. If you do not have the latest patch for Interenet Explorer and/or have not disabled "Install On Command", you WILL get re-infected if you click on a Hijacked icon!

I have the DotCom bug. When I go to Add or Remove Programs and try to uninstall it, the screen flashes once and refuses to uninstall the program. Seems like I cannot even start on what Lauren suggested. Any ideas???

Try using either
Spybot S&D:

or Adware:

They're both free programs. Remember to update both before scanning.



Scroll up a few messages to Laurens' post and follow all of the steps, that will get rid of the dotcom b*ll once and for all.

In the future, be very careful about answering "yes" to any installation dialogs that come your way while browsing on the internet - if in any doubt, say no. Personally, I only allow Adobe Acrobat and Macrovision to be installed as part of my browser experience. Also, I use the following programs regularly to keep my browser clean and to keep my PC running clean and fast; there is some overlap between the programs, but if you use all of them and keep them updated you will eliminate 99.99% of the spyware crap out there. Go up to and run a search to find these free programs:

1. *HijackThis
2. *Lavasoft AdAware
3. Spybot - Search and Destroy
4. SpywareBlaster
5. SpywareGuard

The * programs at a minimum.

Also, make your %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file read only (start~run; cmd.exe; at the prompt, type:

attrib %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts +r


Redirect.exe seems to go hand in hand with easywww.exe. Get rid of that too.
For information, my dotcom toolbar etc. came from opening Suprnova Search facility. The pop up asks whether you wish to install. No matter whether you close or deny, it installs anyway. This is despite Google pop up blocker, Norton AV and zone alarm all active!!
Good advice on this thread. Many thanks

Thank you very much, Laurens. My computer was running SO SLOW I thought it was ready for the dumpster. Graphics problems, and the Word program had runtime errors like you wouldn't believe. Then I noticed I could not use my back button to get out of a site and the addresses were suspiciously followed with a ? mark. I noticed the dotcom toolbar redirection, did a search and lucked out in finding your site. I followed your wonderful instructions and I am VERY HAPPY! It took me a couple of hours, but I think the darn dotcom toolbar is gone. I hope that the person who developed this program rots in H*LL.

Bob23: easywww.exe is part of the DotComToolbar-bug. Delete the file and follow my 11 steps, as described before in this forum.

Silvia: if you are not able to uninstall the DotComToolbar in your Add/Delete Software screen, just skip this step and continue with the next steps. You've probably uninstalled the program before, and sometimes Windows "forgets" to delete the program from this list when it's actually been deleted. That won't do any harm so just leave it there and continue with the next steps.

Step 6 of my 11 steps should be extended with the remark to terminate al running processes by the name of wwweasy.exe or easywww.exe-processes as well.

Step 7 should be extended with the remark to delete all wwweasy.exe or easywww.exe-files as well.

Good luck!

Oh, one more remark. I would like to add another step to my 11-clean-the-darn-dotcomtoobar-rubbish-steps:

3.5. Download Ad-Aware ( and scan & clean your system.

As you've read from other people too: Ad-Aware rocks and it never hurts to scan your system by this software, even though you can kill the DotComToolbar without it.


Internet Explorer Issues
ALL of you can prevent all of this or pretty much MOST of it by just NOT USING INTERNET EXPLORER!! IE is full of BUGS and MALFORMITIES! There are quite a few different browsers youy can use that eliminate pop up ads, and basicslly RUN the way a browser should! Download OPERA or homepage softwares browser called HPSW. I have been using these for a LONG time. They DO NOT track your every move, they do not crash, they WORK! SAVE Y$OURSELF from aggravation!! SCREW Internet Explorer!

I love Opera, but there are a few pages it will not display correctly. To view those pages I use either Mozilla or FireFox.

Mozilla and FireFox are basically the same program. Only difference is that Mozilla also has a built in email and news program. I prefer my email through Pegasus. So I use Firefox


Removing redirection to
I thank you so much, for the info about the redirection to dotcomtoolbar/search etc. When i typed an invalid URL, i was redirected to that f** dotcomtoolbar. Now I've changed my hosts file (C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts) the problem is solved, after months of irritation!

Anti-SpyWare: ad-aware
Anti-Virus: no
Firewall: no
OS: winxp

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