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F1, newdotnet4_50.dll, Imeshare.dll

I have successfully (I think) uninstalled all of these programs (, eanthology,, imesh) but I cannot seem to get rid of the F1 program that shows up in my add/remove programs list. I've tried all the typical uninstall methods and have checked other websites and followed their instructions to no avail. If anyone can help, PLEASE DO!

Also, after uninstalling all this stuff, I still have this file newdotnet4_50.dll. After reading some of the other posts in another thread, I'm afraid to remove it from my system in case I will not be able to get back on the net. I also have this .dll file and would like to know if I can safely remove it: Imeshare.dll


you sound like you had a lot of spyware carrying malware. To clean your system of the little spooks they tleave behind you need to use spybot search and destroy get it at any reputable download site.

As far as removing the Newdot dll:

The way to go, if you really want to do it correctly, is like this:

First, you will need to locate the ".dll" file that is on the computer. Do this by doing a search for "newdot*.*".

The file will be located in your "Windows" folder. Once found, make note of
the actual filename which should look something like this:

Example: newdotnet2_90.dll

Close the Find or Search window then...

Click Start
Click Run

Copy and paste in the following line (adapting the name of the file, if required)

"rundll32 c:\windows\newdotnet2_90.dll,NewDotNetUninstall"

Click OK

You should then see a small window asking if you want to uninstall the application. Click Yes. Once this is done, restart your computer.


I think the Imeshare.dll is a part of MS Office. I don't think I would remove it.

Thanks a million to both of you. I got rid of the and I left the imeshare.dll on. I downloaded and ran the spybot and Yes, I had hoards of spyware that I didn't even notice I had. The only thing I'm still having trouble getting rid of is the F1 (favouriteman?) on my add/remove list. If you have an ideas, I'm ALL EARS! This has been driving me nuts for months.

See here for a description of Favoriteman:

Removal instructions are as follows (however if you have downloaded Spybot check for new updates and run it again. After it has run and you have "fixed" the problems, shut it down, reboot and run it again. It should remove Favoriteman.

If no joy
FavoriteMan/F1 and FavoriteMan/ZZ offer a removal feature: go to Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel, choose 'F1' or 'ZZ' and click 'Remove'.

Spybot S&D and Ad-Aware can remove FavoriteMan/Ofrg and FavoriteMan/Favorite.

Manual removal
The software can be found in the System folder. On Windows 95/98/Me this is the folder called 'System' in the Windows folder; on Windows NT, 2000 and XP it is called 'System32'. Look for one of the filenames listed above.

Before you can delete the program file, you must deregister it. Open a DOS command prompt window (under Accessories in the Programs menu from 'Start') and enter the commands:

cd "%WinDir%\System"
regsvr32 /u favorite.dll
Change the filename 'favorite.dll' to match the variant you have. This can be ofrg.dll, favorite.dll, lwz.dll, F1.dll, ZZ.dll, mpz300.dll or trk.dll; in in the case of the IMZ variant it will have a random eleven-letter filename. (eg. troallystbr.dll). You can usually find the culprit by opening the System folder choosing View->Arrange icons by->Modified, then looking near the bottom of the window.

After doing this and restarting the computer you can delete the file. You can also delete the data file favboot.dll, FavMan.dll, SysLdr.dll or mbr32.dll in the same folder (it isn't a DLL at all), and the settings in the registry in the entries 'Counter', 'Server' and 'Object', hiding in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows.


Many many thanks for your tip on New Dot. It removed without any problem and I was able to get my network connection operating again.

I'm having difficulty removing four files from my computer. Can anyone help? Here's what they are:

NewDotNet in c:\Program Files

newdotnet5_48.dll in c:\Program Files\NewDotNet

newdotnet4_88.dll in c:\Program Files\\backup\ne

newdotnet5_48.dll in c:\Program Files\\backup\ne

I can't get rid of these four, so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I,m Sick of it

, Imeshare.dll
How do I remove Imeshare.dll ?
I have tried everything even formatting drive.
I have tried from ms dos, I have r-installed xp and its back..
Help Please
Hello guys, I seriously need help in this case, i been trying to delete this newdotnet5_48.dll from my computer but invain so far. I don't see it in my add/remove window but it is just sitting in a folder in programs files. I tried the above method but nothing happens, it says "error loading". also there is no other file in this folder so it seems like i manually deleted all the related files with this but somehow it would not get off my computer. Do anyone of u know what program does it come with ? so in worse case i install the complete program again and then try to uninstall it from Control Panel through add/rem window.

All suggestions r welcome, Thanks.


Stand alone version and removal instructions here:

Snowman !
I guess u THE MAN. Your given site helped me figure it out how to get rid of that file.
Thanks a million.
I'm not a newbie, but I was tired and rattled and just couldn't think. And I've gotta tell you... . All you guys are beautiful people.

My daughter had the newdotnet4_8.dll problem and couldn't even ping outside addresses. The last time I was unable to ping, I had to disable my onboard network adapter and install a network card.

Fortunately I had already installed Spybot Search and Destroy on her PC. I didn't think about spyware causing the problem until I found your postings here. (Even though I should have). After running Spybot (that program of greatness), I was in business again. It even made necessary changes to my network drivers.

Thanks people.

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