The two main options for running a program are typicall from the Desktop or from the Start:Program menu. I can hear some of the more experienced computer users say: "Hey, man, there are many other ways of running a progam." Yes, that is true. And it is equally true that if you know of the many other ways then you probably don't need this help file to figure out how to use them. So for those of you who already know -- just go run the program already.
For those of us who don't know try one of the two following methods:
Method 1) Start Menu:
Click on the
(Win95 Start Button). This will cause the following submenu to be displayed. It is called the Start Submenu.
By highlighting the Programs portion of the menu a second submenu will be presented. On this submenu you may find the folder for the program you are looking for.
In the example to the left you can see the options to use dxtool.exe, Access GODD Help, run the generic WinGODD, start up Zenn in the Join mode, or Start Zenn in the Solo mode.
By clicking on any of these options it will be activated.
Method 2) Desktop:
Running from the desktop is similar to but a little different than the Start Menu. To the left is a portion of a desktop showing the icons. When using the Start Menu it was only necessary to click once on the desired program. When using the desktop icons it is necessary to "Double-Click" the icon to make it work. Or, you can click once to highlight the icon then press the "Enter" key to activate it. Or, you can "right click" opening the submenu and selecting "Open" from the submenu choices.
Which ever method you choose to start the program it will run the same there after.