First Steps
These are some of the things to make sure you take care of first.
Check-Off List
Here you will find a check-off list. Make sure you've covered the beginning bases. Make a note of stuff to cover in the future.
Here you will find a collection of click-n-learn tutorials on topics we consider to be essentials for the average newbie. These tutorials are not put in order by difficulty. Don't be daunted if a particular tutorial seems hard. Move on to the next tutorial and come back to the difficult one later -- or never. You'll be amazed at how each thing you learn makes the next that much easier.
Computer Hoaxes
Is there such a thing as the "Good Times" virus? Are there albino alligators in the New York Sewers? What does happen when a train leaves the station in Chicago heading East at 70mph and a car leaves New York heading West at 55mph? Some of these questions are answered.
Settings, Preferences & Options
Preferences and option settings can make the difference between a user friendly environmentn and a nightmare. Here we will present various settings that we have found useful.
First Aid Kit
The First Aid Kit is a collection of tools, resources, and tricks of the trade that we feel are essential to life on the web. These things will hopefully make your browsing go much more smoothly.